Interpretability in Parameter Space: Minimizing Mechanistic Description Length with Attribution-based Parameter Decomposition

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We introduce Attribution-based Parameter Decomposition (APD), a method that directly decomposes a neural network's parameters into components that (i) are faithful to the parameters of the original network, (ii) require a minimal number of components to process any input, and (iii) are maximally simple. Our approach thus optimizes for a minimal length description of the network's mechanisms. We demonstrate APD's effectiveness by successfully identifying ground truth mechanisms in multiple toy experimental settings: Recovering features from superposition; separating compressed computations; and identifying cross-layer distributed representations. While challenges remain to scaling APD to non-toy models, our results suggest solutions to several open problems in mechanistic interpretability, including identifying minimal circuits in superposition, offering a conceptual foundation for `features', and providing an architecture-agnostic framework for neural network decomposition.

What we do

Our method decomposes the network parameter vector into a sum of parameter component vectors, such that the average description length of the mechanisms used on any one data point across the training dataset is minimised. A 'parameter component' here is a vector in parameter space that is supposed to correspond to a specific mechanism of the network. For example, if the network has stored the fact that `The sky is blue' in its parameters, the weights that make up the query-key lookup for this fact could be one such component. These components of the learned network algorithm do not need to correspond to components of the network architecture, such as individual neurons, layers, or attention heads. For example, the mechanism for `The sky is blue' could be spread across many neurons in multiple layers of the network through cross-layer superposition. Components can also act on multi-dimensional features. On any given data point, only a small subset of the components in the network might be used to compute the network output. 

Top: Step 1 - Calculating parameter component attributions. Bottom: Step 2 - Optimizing minimality loss.

We find the parameter components by optimising a set of losses that make the components:

Faithful: The component vectors (Pc) must sum to the parameter vector of the original network. We train for this with an MSE loss.

Minimal: As few components as possible should be used to replicate the network's behavior on any given data point in the training data set. We operationalise this with a top-k test based on attributions: First we run the original model and use gradient attributions to estimate the attribution of each parameter component to the final network output. Then, we use batch top-k (as in BatchTopK SAEs) to select the k parameter components with the highest attributions across a batch. We sum these top-k components to obtain a new parameter vector, and use it to perform a second forward pass with these new parameters. Then we train to match the original model's output by minimising an MSE between the network outputs on the two forward passes, thereby increasing the attributions of the active components on that data.

Simple: Individual parameter components should be simpler than the whole weight vector, in the sense of having a shorter description length. We aim to minimise the sum of the ranks of all the matrices in active components as a proxy of description length. In practice we use the 'Schatten quasi-norm' (which is just the Lp norm of a matrices' singular values) to optimize that objective.

These losses can be understood as trying to minimise a proxy for the total description length per data point of the components that have a causal influence on the network's output, across the training data set. 

We test our method on a set of three toy models where the ground truth decomposition of the network algorithm is known: (1) A toy model of features in superposition (TMS), (2) A toy model that implements more computations than it has neurons, and (3) A model that implements more computations than it has neurons distributed across two layers.

We find that APD is largely able to decompose these toy networks into components corresponding to individual mechanisms: (1) The weights for individual features in superposition in the TMS model; and (2) & (3) The weights implementing individual computations across different neurons in the compressed computation models. However, the results required a lot of hyperparameter tuning and still exhibit some amount of mechanism mixing, which we suspect is due to our using top-k.

Read the full paper here.


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